Megan Newton

Five Of My Favorite Oahu Beaches In Honor Of #AlohaFriday

My #1 favorite beach on Oahu is Bellows Field Beach. Located on Oahu’s windward side near Kailua, this beach offers unmatched beauty. The beach offers gorgeous blue water, white sand, and views of the southern coastline and mountains in the background. You will also find Kailua, Waimanalo, and Lanikai beaches along Oahu’s eastern coast. Lanikai […]

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Why I Decided To Leave TikTok: Keeping Social Media As A Positive In My Life

This past weekend I was reflecting on how much time I spend on social media and I decided it was time for a change. Our world has become exceedingly digital from grocery shopping online to meetings happening on Zoom rather than in person, but it is always important to evaluate if a social media platform

Why I Decided To Leave TikTok: Keeping Social Media As A Positive In My Life Read More »

Collaborating With Pet Jets: Connecting With Like-Minded Brands

Since 2008, Pet Jets has been helping families fly with their beloved pets by their side in the cabin of private jets. After more than fifteen years of flying people and pets, Pet Jets is looking to connect with like-minded brands for mutual promotion opportunities. If you’re brand values pet safety, pet-friendly services, and/or pet

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