- Private & Shared Jet Charters – Pet Jets offers private and shared jet charters to our members. Pet Jets Travel Club Members can request quotes for private jet charters for their specific routes. We also market our members flights for shared private jet charters if they prefer a share option. We get to know all of our travel club members by having phone conversations with them about their trip plans and their pet’s personalities. We currently have several shared opportunities this year to and from Hawaii as well as to and from Europe. Check out our upcoming Pet Jets Travel Club shared flight opportunities here: https://petjets.co/2023/03/22/pet-jets-travel-club-3-22-23-updated-flight-list/
- Fetch Services – Fetch services refers to all of the special requests we take on for our members. We assist members in finding rental cars, car services to the airport, and VIP ground transportation services for their pets. We also coordinate special catering requests, car shipments, and hotels. I also specialize in helping people with Hawaii paperwork for bringing pets to the island. These are only a few examples of the help we can provide of members. Recently, I helped a member ship their car to Hawaii after a last minute request. We are here to work with each family and their individual requests. Check out more about Fetch Services here: https://petjets.co/wp-admin/post.php?post=1068&action=edit
- Flight Cruises – Our newest service offer is flight cruises which are adventure focused flights to exotic locations. We have flights this year leaving Hawaii that are heading to Fuji, New Zealand, Japan, and Tahiti. These flights will be sold at round-trip prices. Check out more about the newest flight cruise service here: https://petjets.co/wp-admin/post.php?post=1472&action=edit
Interested in becoming a Pet Jets Travel Club Member? We would love to send you more information and set up a phone conversation with you. Fill out our contact form here to get started: https://petjets.co/#booknow