Pet Jets Travel Club: Why We Work Off Of A Membership System

Pet Jets receives countless emails, calls, and social media inquiries a day. We ask potential clients to fill out an inquiry form about their trip including information on when and where they want to travel to, how many people and pets you want to fly, and your budget. We are a small business that strives to give our clients, also known as members our full attention to the details of their trip.

When you become a member then we immediately start marketing and planning your trip. Honey and I spend time marketing your specific trip, getting quotes, and helping find solutions for things like rentals cars, VIP ground transportation, and other travel needs beyond those mentioned. Our communication efforts are focused first on our members and next on potential members. Once you join our membership for $399.00/per year this retains Pet Jets to start working on your trip.

One of the most important trip details for potential members to share with us is their budgetary goal for their trip. As consultants, we assume many potential clients understand private aviation pricing. If you need help with understanding the pricing for private jet charters then we do provide a FAQ sheet with examples of route pricing on our website. Although, we always say that air charter is ad hoc. Pricing can change rapidly in private aviation depending on positioning, availability, fuel costs, etc.

When you start searching for who to work with for private jet consultation, especially for moving with pets, you have to decide who you want to trust. You are putting trust into someone to help you safely move your family, including your pets to your new home or to your vacation destination. This is a big and often stressful task, but Pet Jets strives to help take some of the stress off of our members shoulders by taking care of things for them. We manage additional projects in regard to moving such as car shipment, pet paperwork, etc.

Why did I pick Pet Jets over other private jet consultant companies? First off, I trusted Honey after she called me and had a personal phone call with me. She listened to my needs and concerns. I felt she truly cared about helping me and my pets. Many services are all email and website based without ever getting a chance to speak to a real person. Think about how many times you call a large corporation and you get transferred numerous times to only end up talking to an automated voice. At Pet Jets you will always be talking to Honey or I, never anything or anyone else. Honey was always available to talk to me about my trip when I was a Pet Jets client.

The other reason I went with Pet Jets is because of their long-standing experience in the industry. I saw Pet Jets had outstanding reviews on Google and that they had articles written about their services from back in 2010. More experience means more connections, more relationships, and more knowledge within the industry. That eased my mind when I was planning my trip. Then when my flight got closer and things went sideways with my paperwork, Honey calmly and effectively fixed all the issues. My dogs and I got to fly to Hawaii with no problems thanks to Honey’s hard work and experience in the industry.

It all comes down to who do you want to work with and who do you trust to plan your trip. There are countless brokers, air carriers, and consultants in the private jet industry who can book a private jet for you, but the real question is who do you want to work with on your project? Using a private jet consultant is much like using a realtor, lawyer, or car salesman. You can choose to buy a house or car yourself, or legally represent yourself, but experts in the industry are there to provide services to those seeking professional guidance.

If you are interested in learning more about Pet Jets please check out our updated FAQ sheet to learn more about us!

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