Booked Flights For June 2023: Hawaii & Europe

Boston > Barcelona: June 15th, 2023 – Pet Jets has a Global 6000 flight with many open seats available this June. Luna, Alexander, and Duncan are flying over from Boston to Barcelona at around 9pm on June 15th. This is a great opportunity to join a flight on an exceptional, 2023 refurbished Global 6000 aircraft. If you would like to join this flight please contact Pet Jets here:

Oahu > Maui > Oakland: June 19th, 2023 – Pet Jets has a flight going from Honolulu > Maui > Oakland. Quest the Red Heeler has flown with Pet Jets before, but Mumford the Bunny will be on his inaugural flight this June! If you want to join the adorable family on their journey home from paradise please contact Pet Jets here:

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