Pet Travel Trends 2020

Over half of pet owners are planning to travel with their pets and roughly 2 million domestic animals board commercial and private charter flights each year. Pet travel is an important part of the travel industry and should not be taken lightly or ignored. With over a third of owners saying they simply won’t travel without their pets, making traveling with pets as accessible as possible would be beneficial for both travelers and businesses. Owners often sacrifice the length and the frequency of their vacations as a result of having animals, and many hold pet-friendly accommodations and destinations in high regard. Increasing the options and ease with which owners can take their furry friends may encourage these travelers to take longer, as well as more frequent trips and holidays. For this reason the option of pet friendly air charter is on the increase especially for those looking to relocate with their pets with ease for long distances. Read on for more information on pet travel trends, as we explore the facts and figures behind pet travel in recent years.

  • 53% of travelers take holidays with their pets, so pet-friendly accommodation is a growing industry trend.
  • It’s estimated that 2 million domestic animals travel on commercial flights every year.
  • 52% of surveyed owners said that they only stay at pet-friendly properties.
  • 6% of pets in the US board a plane every year.
  • 27% of people said that they want to see more dog-friendly hotels and holiday parks. 16% would also like to see this in pubs.
  • 15% would like to see more dog-friendly beaches, while 14% want more dog-friendly restaurants.
  • A recent poll found that 27% of pet owners are planning one or two trips with their furry friends in the next year.
  • 37% are planning 3 to 5 getaways, while 31% intend to travel with their pet six or more times across the year.
  • Over half of owners plan to travel this year with their animal companions.
  • 37% of owners have opted against travelling to stay at home with their dog.
  • 78% of owners and their four-legged friends are driving and flying together more now than ever before.
  • 37% of families travel with their furry friends. This is a 19% increase over the last decade

Before we dive into the other facts and figures, let’s look at what percentage of Americans own dogs. In the US, 36% of households own a dog, so right away it looks as though pet travel will be an important factor in traveling for many. So how many Americans travel with their pets each year? A survey by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) found that 37% of animal owners travel with their pets every year. This is up by 19% over the last decade! Research also shows that 42% of 55-64-year-old owners take their pets with them making Baby Boomers more likely to bring furry friends on their travels than younger generations. Overall, these stats show that many people own pets, and many travelers look to take their pets along with them. Companies in the air charter industry would do well to take notice of this trend.

  • Over 50% of owners intend to take their pets away with them this year.
  • In 9 out of 10 households, dogs are considered part of the family.
  • 31.3% plan to take overnight trips with their pets six or more times a year.
  • 37% of families travel with their four-legged friends. This is a 19% increase over the last decade.
  • 42% of owners aged 55-64 take their four-legged friends with them travelling. This makes Baby Boomers more likely to do this than younger generations.
  • If they have to leave their pets at home, 25% of Boomers make homemade treats for their dogs to enjoy when they are away.
  • 75% leave behind an article of clothing with their scent on it!
  • 25% of women will take their dog on vacation, whereas just 14% of men will do the same.

Pet Jets has been providing pet friendly air charters services for over a decade and recent pet travel trends demonstrate that more people are looking at private air charter as an alternative to the airlines who continue to place restrictions on pet travel. For example, according to the Wall Street Journal new restrictions in the U.S. by the Department of Transportation are allowing airlines to ban emotional support animals. With such restrictions in place consider private air charter by contacting Pet Jets for a free quote for your next pet friendly air travel needs!

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