Essential Tips for Traveling with Your Pet

Planning a trip often requires you to consider a plethora of details. When you have pets, there’s even more to think about, and it can quickly get stressful. Nonetheless, pet owners know the heart-wrenching feeling of leaving their dog or cat behind, and with a little bit of planning, that can be avoided. If you’re taking a trip and want to bring your pet along, these tips, courtesy of Pet Jets, will help make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

Get the Right Supplies

When planning your trip, it’s important to get all the things you need for your pet ahead of time so you’re not rushing out to the pet store the night before you leave. It’s essential to find a good travel crate and crate bed. No matter what mode of travel you choose (e.g., flying, driving, riding a train or bus), your pet will spend a great deal of time in their crate, so The Nest suggests making sure it provides enough room for them to easily sit, stand and turn around. If you’re driving to your destination and don’t want to use a crate, you can set your pet up in the backseat with a car harness that fastens to the seat-belt buckle.

You’re also going to need to take your pet for walks throughout your trip, so don’t forget to bring a quality collar and leash. If you have a cat, consider purchasing a cat harness. This allows them to safely explore the outdoors and release any pent-up energy. Before choosing a harness, check out these reviews to make sure you get one that is high-quality and will keep your cat secure. Harnesses are also handy for small- and medium-sized dogs. In addition,

remember to bring along other staples, like your pet’s food, toys, identification/vaccine tags, and any other belongings that could help them feel more comfortable during the trip. Of course, the cost of these supplies can add up. So when you shop, be sure to use a promo code or other online discount that can help you save while you prep your pup for their big trip.

Research the Destination

Where you go with your pet matters. Do your homework when choosing a destination, and make sure you’re going somewhere that offers accommodations and activities for pets. For instance, will your pet have access to outdoor areas where they can run free? Is there a dog park, a cat cafe, and pet-friendly restaurants? Also, be sure to contact any hotels you’re considering to learn about their policy on pets.

Visit the Vet

Along with getting the necessary supplies, it’s important to take your pet to the veterinarian for a checkup before you leave home. That way, you can be sure they are caught up on all their immunizations, paperwork, bloodwork and other tests, and you can stock up on any medications, specialty food, and anything else that you get from your vet. Your veterinarian can also recommend other ways to make the trip less stressful for your pet, notes, including treatments and sedatives.

Warm Your Pet Up to the Changes

Another way to prepare for your trip is to rehearse some of the traveling experience with your pet. Unfamiliar environments can cause anxiety and fear in dogs and cats, so try to ease their nerves in the weeks leading up to the trip. For instance, take your pet to the airport terminal or bus/train station a few times to walk around and take in the sights and smells. If you’re driving, take them in your vehicle for a few trips.

It’s also important to get your pet used to their travel crate, which you can do by keeping them in it at night and throughout some of the day. Furthermore, if your dog or cat eats canned or fresh food, consider transitioning them to dry food, since it’s more practical for traveling.

Prepare for your pet-friendly trip by getting all the pet supplies you will need, going to the vet for a checkup, and rehearsing some of the traveling with your pet. Look into pet accommodations and activities at any destinations you’re considering to ensure you and your pet have a good time. It may take a little more planning, but it will be well worth it to have your pet by your side.

Photo credit: Pexels

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