Pet Jets: Bespoke Service and Personal Touch Beyond What A Typical Private Jet Broker Provides

The photo above features three of our recent pet flyers, Bonnie, Button, and Coco along with their family, Mark and Mary. Mark came to us needing a safe way to fly with his two fifteen year old dogs, Button and Coco from Oahu to California. Pet Jets was also able to create a shared flight option so his fiancé, Mary and her fur baby, Bonnie could join as well. They got to hangout in the private jet lounge at HNL before walking right onto their private jet before heading to Maui to pick up the family they would be sharing the flight with to California.

As the Special Projects Coordinator for Pet Jets, I am not only looking to take stress off of families while they are moving, but I also aim to make their Pet Jets experience a memorable one. For many, a private jet charter flight with Pet Jets is a once in a lifetime experience and we want our members to have a great time throughout their flight experience. Each flight we put together for our members is unique. We focus on adding personal touches that make Pet Jets stand out as a consultation company that doesn’t just provide a seat on a private jet as a broker, but instead works with each individual member to tailor the flight to their needs. I (Megan) love to be at the private jet lounge to meet our members and their pets in person when they depart or arrive here on Oahu.

Relocating, especially from anywhere overseas can be stressful for families. New jobs, buying and selling a home, coordinating the shipment of furniture, and moving vehicles across the ocean makes for a long to do list. Many of our members come to us with new work opportunities, or the desire to retire in a new location, but the hold up is safely moving their pets across the water where driving is not an option. Pet Jets strives to take away the stress of flying with pets so families can be excited about their journey to their new homes. As someone who has moved from the mainland to Hawaii, I know it is no easy task, but having a professional like Pet Jets to help me safely fly my pets took a weight off of my shoulders. Knowing Gizmo and Stormy would be safely by my side while flying to Hawaii made my move so much smoother.

Many people stress about putting puts under a commercial plane in cargo, especially when their pets are older. When I moved to Hawaii back in August of 2022, I flew with a family who had a fifteen year old Husky named Kiska. Kim didn’t even consider putting Kiska under the plane due to her age. She also knew Kiska would never want to be away from her. Even with my younger Corgis, my main concern was their safety and how they would feel being away from me during a plane ride.

Get a better glimpse into what Pet Jets can do for families and their pets looking to charter private jets on our latest video: Pet Jets on YouTube. We have completed flights from coast to coast in the United States, to and from Hawaii, to and from Europe, to and from Puerto Rico, and unique routes in between.

This coming weekend we have a flight starting an HNL then heading over to Kauai before heading to Camarillo, California. We also have another flight leaving CMA and heading to Oahu the next day. We still have room for more on both of these upcoming flights. If you are looking to hop on a private jet over to Hawaii, or from Hawaii to California, contact us here: Book Now!

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