Memorial Day has passed which marks the start of summer! Summer is one of the busiest travel seasons for Pet Jets and for everyone in general. Most people take their vacations sometime throughout June, July, and August. We have a few great flight opportunities throughout the summer season – plus we are ready to add new routes for anyone looking to charter their own Pet Jet!

- Relocation/Moving – Many people choose to move during the summer months when their kids are out of school. We have a flight leaving on June 15th out of Boston heading to Barcelona. Read more about this flight option for Spain here: Boston > Barcelona: June 15th. We also have several flights to and from Hawaii throughout June, July, fall, winter, and even into the spring of 2024. If you looking to relocate to Hawaii to retire or start a new job there – we are the experts who can help with everything from the pet paperwork to shipping your car. Reach out to us today to learn more about our 2023/2024 Hawaii flights: Contact Us. We offer charter flights all over, but our most popular routes are normally in the United States, Hawaii, Europe, and Puerto Rico.
- Vacations – We have recently had many people reaching out to us about chartering flights for vacation with their pets. We offer ad hoc charter flights for those looking to travel to their vacation homes all over the United States and beyond such as Puerto Rico. If you are looking for a private or shared charter flight – reach out to us today to discuss your travel plans: Contact us.

Do you have plans to relocate or fly for vacation later this year? Not only are we working on summer trips, but we also are marketing fall and winter flights for 2023. We even have flights for 2024 being marketed now! I highly encourage anyone looking for a shared flight option to come into the Pet Jets membership ASAP to give adequate time for finding share options. Learn more about Pet Jets membership here: Membership
Let Pet Jets help you travel this summer!