Welcome To Pet Jets

This is the Pet Jets Team - Honey and Megan! If you are curious or investigating how to move or travel with your pet - hand your project over by retaining us so we can provide personalized consultation services for your travel needs!

Pet Jets is a consulting company that provides options to each client's needs. Pet Jets has been flying families & their pets since 2006. Check out more about Pet Jets here:

  • Professional Aviation/Travel Services: Project Management
  • Get insight from those who have flown with Pet Jets in the past here: Reviews
  • Learn more about pricing, common routes, & more here: FAQ
  • Our current shared flight opportunities: Flight List

If you are looking for service beyond just a typical private jet broker, then we are here to help you plan your personalized trip. Made To Jetset Inc. provides ad hoc consultant services to our clients. We work with each client to determine what services they need. We can provide travel consultations that cover options from private aviation bookings to VIP ground transportation and much more. We have helped clients with car shipments, pet paperwork, finding realtors, booking hotels and rental cars.

The Made To Jetset Inc. retainer fee is the initial commitment to working towards a solution with us on your trip/project. This also means you invest 100% in us and we invest 100% into accomplishing your project. When you pay our retainer we see that as a commitment to working with Made To Jetset Inc. to complete your project - we ask that you trust our process and stay committed so we can accomplish your family's moving/travel goals. Once we have determined what services our client needs then we will send an invoice for our retainer. The cost of the service will reflect the amount of time required to find a solution to your project.

If you would like to move forward with Made To Jetset Inc. then we will send an invoice and ask you to sign the agency agreement.

We look forward to helping you & your fur family travel!

The Pet Jets Team
Honey Jimenez Schmidt - CEO - Pet Jets & Made To Jetset Inc.

Megan Newton - Special Projects Coordinator

Pink White Colorful Bold Neon Grand Opening Flyer-10
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